Cosmic Guidance for Your Business

Not everyone builds or does business with soul. You might even be dismissed for not doing business the "right way."

But your soul, ancestors, and guides, know what you're capable of without the sleaze and hustle. Do you?

The three card spreads can help you focus on your self-expansion, autonomous money, and how you can shift your community with expansion and support.

You're ready.

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    Virginia James


    CEO/Founder of
    Feminine Sage Wisdom and
    Your GPS (Guided Personal Sage)

    Who am I?

    I provide products and services for your soul-full mission and business, holding space for you to show up in your magic and authenticity, and help you create change that only you can do. Be the unicorn, my friend--it's time.

    What will you get?

    • Three card spreads for use any time
    • The chance to focus on your self-expansion, autonomous money, and creating a community from soul
    • A sneak peek into doing business with soul